5 Steps for Marketing Research Process


                  5 Steps for Marketing Research Process


                                Marketing Research is an operation that plays an important role in order to make decisions that are important for the growth of the company. It is helping us to take the right decisions for the organization systematically. It reduces the uncertainty in the decision-making process and increase the chances of success in a systematic way. It doesn’t guarantee that the organization will be in profit for the upcoming days in marketing its products. Marketing Research is nothing but a tool that helps in building of the decision making process.

The 5 most important steps for Marketing Research Process are -

1.   Define The Problem:-

If a problem isn’t defined carefully, a good research cannot be designed Optimizely. A problem well defined is half-solved. So, our first step is to define the research problem. The problem(s) faced by the company must be translated into market research problem in the form of questions.

These questions must contain the data which will be required to make the decision later and how this information can be obtained. Thus, the decision problem gets translated into a research problem. 

For example, a decision problem may be whether to launch a new facility or service. The corresponding research problem may be to assess whether the market would accept the new product, the demands etc.

 In order to define the problem survey of data, pilot studies or experience surveys are some of the popular methods.


2.   Develop Your Research Plan:-

After that, you have to design or develop your own research plan. Developing the research design specifies the method to conduct a particular study.

Marketing research designs can be classified into three categories

1.      Exploratory research

2.      Descriptive research

3.      Causal research.


In exploratory research, problems are formulated clearly. It aims to clarify concepts, gathering explanations, gaining insight, eliminating illogical ideas, and forming hypotheses. Exploratory research can be performed using surveying of certain people, focus groups, and case studies. During the survey, exploratory research studies would not acquire a representative sample. Exploratory research is characterized by its flexibility.

When the researcher wants to know the characteristics of certain groups like name, age, sex, qualification, annual income, occupation, etc a descriptive research is taken for this. Descriptive research is more rigid and valuable than exploratory research. It describes users of a product, determine no. of persons using a product. Even it predicts future demand for a product. It also defines questions, people surveyed, and the method of analysis prior to beginning data collection. In other words, the who, what, where, when, why, and how aspects of the research should be defined. Such preparation allows one the opportunity to make any required changes before the costly process of data collection has begun. 

Two types of descriptive research are:

1.      longitudinal studies and

2.      cross sectional studies.

Causal research seeks to find cause and effect relationships between the variables. It accomplishes this goal through laboratory with field experiments.

3.   Collect Relevant Sample Data:-

Next, one of the most important as well as difficult step is to collect data for which the research process has been carried out.

Interviewing and the supervision of field work should be taken for this. Interviewing for marketing research is one of the most difficult tasks. Many times the respondents may not part with crucial data.

Supervision of field work is also important to ensure timely completion of the field survey.

If these two are not carried out properly, then the results throw an error which badly affects  on the research.


So we need to collect the related sample data as many as possible from the universe. Because more data can give us the prediction with more accuracy that can help us to take right decisions further.


4.   Analyze Data and Report Findings:-

The next step is to analyze the data that has been collected from the survey. The raw data is transformed into the right format. First, it is edited so that errors can be corrected. The data is then coded; this procedure converts the edited raw data into numbers or symbols. Finally, the data is classified to count the number of samples falling into various categories. Simple tabulations count the occurrences of each variable independently of the other variables.

Cross tabulations can treat more than one variables simultaneously. Cross tabulation is the most commonly utilized data analysis method. Once the tabulation is done, the following analysis can be carried out then- 

· Conjoint Analysis: The conjoint analysis is a powerful technique for determining consumer preferences for product attributes.

 · Hypothesis Testing: The null hypothesis in an experiment is the hypothesis that the independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable.


Once analysis is completed, make the conclusion.To check whether research results are statistically significant a test of statistical significance can be run for this regard.


5.   Perform Action:-

All the researches have to be compiled in one report to be submitted then to the organization.The format of the report varies with the needs of the company.


The report can contain:

Ø  Authorization letter for the research,

Ø  Table of Contents,

Ø  List of illustrations,

Ø  Executive summary,

Ø  Research objectives,

Ø  Results,

Ø  Limitations,

Ø  Conclusions and recommendations etc.

The report has to be written neat and clean with objectivity, coherence, clarity before submission.


At last, this is obvious to research before anything to plan. Because researches give us the real time scenario, current circumstances that are beneficial for us to take right decisions. The Marketing Research Process involves in a number of inter-related activities. Each and every step plays an important role in the research process.


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